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The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors. This addresses the problem that a particular author's contributions to the scientific literature or publications in the humanities can be hard to recognize as most personal names are not unique, they can change (such as with marriage), have cultural differences in name order, contain inconsistent use of first-name abbreviations and employ different writing systems. It provides a persistent identity for humans, similar to that created for content-related entities on digital networks by digital object identifiers (DOIs).

The ORCID organization, ORCID Inc., offers an open and independent registry intended to be the de facto standard for contributor identification in research and academic publishing. On 16 October 2012, ORCID launched its registry services and started issuing user identifiers.

Quick steps to sign up for an account on ORCID.ORG include:

Click Register now! to register.


  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required
  • 08 or more characters
  • At least 01 letter or symbol
  • At least 01 number

(Please refer to the list of common passwords at the following link: Link

Example: sun% moon2

Visibility settings

Your ORCID iD connects with your ORCID record that can contain links to your research activities, affiliations, awards, other versions of your name, and more. You control this content and who can see it.

By default, who should be able to see information added to your ORCID Record?

  • Everyone (87% of users choose this)
  • Trusted parties (5% of users choose this)
  • Only me (8% of users choose this)

Finally, please check “Terms of Use" => Register completed

*Note: Perhaps the system will display the following bulletin board in case your name matches another person who has registered an account here, if you register for the first time, to continue, click on None of these are me – continue to registration.

After registration, ORCID will send an activation email to your email address. Please login to your email to click on the link sent to authenticate.

If you cannot find an email from ORCID, please click Resend verification email to have the system resend the new email.

Then, Please click icon Pen to edit the information of: (i) Also known as (another names), (ii) Country, (iii) Keywords, (iv) Websites:

Next, you continue to add information to the Profile by clicking Add some now or Add manually to enter additional information in the corresponding fields:

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Funding
  • Works

* Education:

Fill out the form by clicking add some now:

Notice: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

* Employment:

Notice: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

* Works:

Notice: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

* Works:

Notice: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

After registration, you can use your ORCID on your website, or declare it on your academic publications.

- Bước 3: Nhập email đăng nhập hoặc ID và mật khẩu truy cập và click chọn Sign into ORCID. như trong hình dưới đây: