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  1. User community of Inspire Library – Ton Duc Thang University (referred to as the Library) is the people who are working, graduated, and are studying at Ton Duc Thang University (referred to as the users)
  2. Individuals who are not part of Ton Duc Thang University and wish to use the Library for study/research purposes must get the reference letter from the governing body and the agreement from the Presidential Board of Ton Duc Thang University
  3. Library Card is integrated into the lecturer/staff/student card; Library Account is integrated into the TDTU System Account
  4. To activate the Library Account, the users have to take part in the Library Orientation.

  1. Library resources are a collection of various types of documents and data, including print, digital, audio, visual, and other materials. The Library resources are used for researching, teaching, learning and constructive entertainment purposes.
  2. Users reserve the right to access and exploit Library resources under the Intellectual Property Law, Library Law, and other relevant laws.
  3. Print materials are served both circulating and non-circulating. Users are responsible for returning materials on time, preserving Library materials, providing feedback on the quality of materials so that the Library can have timely solutions; any loss, or damage must be compensated according to the Library Law.
  4. Digital and Online E-resources are served on campus intranet only, other cases must be approved by the Presidential Board.
  5. For open resources users can access without financial, legal or technical barriers.

  1. Services and equipment must be used in accordance with the Library's procedures and guidelines
  2. For fee-based services, users must pay fees according to the Library's current fee schedule and payment policy
  3. Library facilities such as computers, wifi, televisions, ) are used for learning, teaching, researching, and constructive entertainment purposes.
  4. Users must be aware of preserving the Library's equipment and notify the Library staff in case of loss or damage for timely handling.


Users are entitled to

  1. Have their library account activated pursuant to Clause d Article 2, Inspire Library Regulations
  2. Use library information resources, services, and facilities
  3. Attend library events and programs
  4. Give feedback to improve library services
  1. Comply with Library’s instructions when using resources, services, and facilities
  2. Put belongings in the prescribed places and take responsibility for personal property
  3. Maintain decorum and discipline, keep quiet, have phone calls in the phone rooms, wear appropriate clothings under the University’s regulations.
  4. Put rubbish in bins and keep surroundings clean, and arrange tables and chairs neatly after use
  5. Preserve and protect equipment, facility, and others provided by the Library
  6. Talk or discuss in allowed areas (Group Study Rooms, Presentation Practice Rooms, Video Rooms, etc.)
  7. In case of library card loss or forgetting the library account, users have to notify the library.

  1. Make a record of violations of the library regulations and propose to the Department of Student Affairs; Department of Inspection, Legislation and Security for the handling according to the University’s regulations.
  2. Refuse requests that are against the Library regulations.
  1. Consider serving users as the top priority create a friendly and equal environment; provide resources, services in accordance with the procedures and guidelines issued; ensure quality and suitability for users
  2. Constantly improve the quality in operations to better serve the users; innovate the library services based on the application of advanced scientific and technological achievements
  3. Develop reading culture through instructional activities on reading skills, skills in researching, exploiting and using information in order to expand knowledge for library users
  4. Execute the rules of professional ethics. Do not violate prohibited acts in the library.
  5. Comply with the provisions of the law on intellectual property, science and technology, information technology, network security and other relevant laws.

  1. Bring circulating materials out of permitted scope of the library without approval
  2. Bring non-circulating materials out of permitted scope of the library when the loan procedure has not been successful
  3. Give library cards or library accounts to others
  4. Return library items late more than three times per year
  5. Reserve function areas but not using more than twice per year without a reasonable explanation.

  1. Violate the library’s current policy, regulations, and guidelines
  2. Bring food or drink into the Library, put feet on tables and chairs
  3. Act inappropriately such as talking loudly, making noise or sleeping in the Library
  4. Give indiscriminate speech harming the prestige of the University, Library or the community of users

  1. Have no sense of protecting the Library property (write or draw on library equipment; make notes on the library documents; make copies of library materials without permission, etc.)
  2. Move library equipment without permission
  3. Bring flammable and explosive materials into the library or smoke in the library

  1. Install any software on library computers without permission
  2. Access to inappropriate websites; transmit information that is harmful to national security; have acts of destroying the library network.
  3. Illegally infiltrate, falsify, or disrupt the Library information system and database.

  1. Block the library card and library account within 3 months for violating Clauses a, b, c, d, e in Section 3.1 of Article 3, Inspire Library Regulations
  2. Block the library card and library account within 6 months for violating Clauses d in Section 3.2, Clauses a, b, c in Section 3.3, and Clause a in Section 3.4 of Article 3, Inspire Library Regulations; In case of violation apart from being handled according to Clauses a, b of Article 4, the library will transfer notice to the Department of Student affairs for disciplinary actions under the current Student affair regulations of the University.
  3. In case of violating Clauses b, c in Section 3.4 of Article 3, depending on the severity, the library will transfer notice to the Department of Student affairs for disciplinary action under the current Student affair regulations of the University.

Cases of damage or loss of the Library property must be compensated according to the Library's service fee schedule and the value of the property at the time of compensation, specifically:

The amount of replacement cost is used for the purpose of preserving the Library materials under the management of the Information Resources Division and Board of Directors.

  1. For regular items: The users are required to purchase the identical item (either new or in good condition) themselves + Handling fee of 20,000 VND.
  2. For out-of-print items: The replacement is 3 times the list price of the item at the time of processing compensation. The amount of the item’s list price is calculated according to the rate in VND + Handling fee of 20,000 VND + Shipping fee 15% of the item’s list price.
  3. For the loss of 1 volume of a series: The replacement cost is 5 times the list price of the series divided equally by the number of volumes at the time of processing compensation (the list price of the series is calculated according to the rate in VND) + Handling fee of 20,000 VND + Shipping fee 15% of the item’s list price.
  4. For rare items on the list: purchase the identical item or pay a replacement cost 10 times the value of the item in case the identical item cannot be purchased + Handling fee of 20,000 VND + Shipping fee 15% of the item’s list price.