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TDTU INSPiRE Library is responsible for providing resources, information services, and an academic environment to support the learning, teaching, scientific research, and creativity of undergraduates students, postgraduate students, researchers, faculty, and staff of the University


  • Developing long-term and short-term operational plans, as well as library development projects, subject to approval by the Presidential Board
  • Providing annual activity reports and ad-hoc reports as requested by the University and higher management authorities
  • Building, processing, preserving, and connecting relevant information resources that align with the University's objectives, curriculum, programs, disciplines, and stages of development
  • Receiving, supplementing, and organizing theses, projects, dissertations, research outcomes of learners and lecturers within the University
  • Establishing internal databases, learning materials databases, and open educational resources
  • Organizing reading spaces, instructing library users on information products and services, disseminating knowledge and cultural values, serving research, learning, and recreational needs, developing information search, retrieval, and utilization skills, and actively contributing to knowledge enhancement for library users
  • Proactively adopting information technology and communication, establishing connections with domestic and international libraries, providing conditions for users to access various information resources in accordance with the regulations of intellectual property and library laws
  • Engaging with the community, marketing, and promoting the Library and the University's development
  • Implementing measures to foster reading culture within the library user community, contributing to creating a lifelong learning environment and building a learning society, fostering comprehensive development of each individuals.
  • Training library management staff and specialists in expertise, profession, foreign languages, and computer skills to develop a high-quality workforce that enhances the efficiency of library work and meets the increasing demands of modern libraries and users
  • Preserving and periodically auditing information resources, technical infrastructure, and other assets of the library, removing outdated and damaged materials according to library laws and the regulations of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism. Managing library assets, facilities, and equipment to improve usage efficiency, safety, and security
  • Carrying out other tasks assigned by the University