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The International Publication Similarity and Plagiarism Check Service (Similarity Check) identifies and detects similarity rates between the work being examined and previously published scientific works. This service uses iThenticate, a professional tool developed by Turnitin (USA). iThenticate's database includes over 60 billion web pages, 155 million content items, and 49 million works from 800 academic publishers through CrossRef's Similarity Check. Additionally, iThenticate is used by over 80% of the academic journals listed in the ISI index.

Ton Duc Thang University Library ensures the confidentiality and security of all materials submitted for this service.

For TDTU members

Service fee for articles listing Ton Duc Thang University as the affiliated institution: 450,000 VND per file per submission (includes one main check and two rechecks, with each file up to 400 pages and not exceeding 25,000 words).

An exception policy for faculty, staff, and full-time researchers is effective from October 4, 2023:

  • The first check is free.
  • Note: Each paper will be checked only once with no option for re-checking. The paper must be under 100MB, contain a minimum of 20 words in text format, and be less than 800 pages.
For external users
  • Service fee: 600,000 VND per paper per submission (Note: Each paper will be checked only once with no option for re-checking. The paper must be under 100MB, contain a minimum of 20 words in text format, and be less than 800 pages.)

  • Step 1: Complete the online registration form. click here
  • Step 2: After receiving the registration details, the library will respond, and submission of the file(s) will be required
  • Step 3: Pay the service fee using one of the following methods:
    • Option 1: Direct payment at the Ton Duc Thang University Library (6th floor), where a receipt will be provided.
    • Option 2: Bank transfer, followed by sending the transfer receipt to the Library at The TDTU bank account detail is as follows:
      • Account name : TRUONG DAI HOC TON DUC THANG
      • VND A/C NO: 007.100.0829274
      • Bank name : Joint Stock Commercial Bank For Foreign Trade Of Vietnam – Hochiminh City Branch
      • Swift Code : BFTVVNVX007
      • Content of Payment : [Full name] [Unit] [Researcher/Lecturer] Similarity Checking Service – [Short title of the attached article]
  • Step 4: Once the Finance Department confirms the successful transfer, the library will perform the check and email the results (in *.pdf format) to the user.

  • Each paper must be under 100MB in size, contain at least 20 words in text format, and have fewer than 800 pages.
  • Files to be checked must be in an electronic text format, such as Word, Text, PostScript, PDF, HTML, Excel, PowerPoint, Word Perfect WPD, OpenOffice ODT, RTF, or Hangul HWP.

For further information and support, please contact us through the following channels: