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In the world's literature, countless books and classics have entered the hearts of many generations of readers, and we cannot fail to mention the famous novel GONE WITH THE WIND of an American writer MARGARET MITCHELL. The book has received many noble awards and has been adapted into an immortal film until now. GONE WITH THE WIND is a classic of American literature, first published in 1963, telling the life story of Scarlett Hara - a struggling Southern aristocrat who found a way to survive the storm of civil war and the period of national reconstruction. She fought with life strongly, only to realize that she had missed a lot of so-called love and ideals of life.

The author not only describes the profound reflections on the fate of people in general but also the fate of the South American people during the unstable period of the country in particular. There are lessons about the ideal of life, love for people, strength to overcome suffering and unhappiness, and love between men and women. All are realistic, vivid, full of humanity. At the same time, the work also helps readers have more motivation and encouragement to overcome difficulties and obstacles to get happiness for our life.