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This book of astrology will teach you how to read astrology as the language of the universe. This book will provide veteran astrologers with a whole new approach to astrology, extremely simple and accurate. At the same time, the book will give rookies a wonderful and wondrous introduction to the true nature of astrology - astrology is humanity's instrument in its journey towards higher awareness and awakening. This book will explain in great depth how planets interact and function. Per Henrik Gullfoss will also explain the functions of the elements, characteristics and signs of the Zodiac, and analyze what planets residing in a Zodiac need to do to meet and perfect themselves.

Therefore, “The Complete Book Of Spiritual Astrology” is not simply about astrology. It will act as a map to bring you to your true self, a roadmap that directs you toward achieving your life's goal and tells you how to lead a fulfilling life. More than that, it is a road plan that leads you to the next stage of consciousness, which many refer to as "awakening" or "enlightenment". Astrology is an excellent tool for anyone who want to be better themselves.