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Sky-high expectations about personal happiness have made it easier for us to deceive each other. After all, do people have the right to infidelity if it makes them feel happy?" This is one of the quotes from "The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity" by Esther Perel.

When discussing infidelity, many people rise up to condemn those at fault and feel sorrow for those remaining in the relationship. Rarely do we calmly analyze the facets of infidelity-its origins, its source, and whether there's a way to salvage a marriage, a relationship hurtling toward the abyss.

Esther Perel brings perspectives on the various aspects of infidelity - a fresh yet comprehensive and profound understanding through the lens of psychology. If we continue to refuse to talk about infidelity, this phenomenon will remain at a dead-end. It's akin to an abandoned land no one wishes to tread upon, even though there are numerous ways to understand, to minimize its causes, and, most importantly, to heal a marriage after infidelity.

  • Title: The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity
  • Author: Esther Perel
  • Pulishers: Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing House.
  • Year Of Publication : 2019