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Huong Duong's energetic and devoted life has become a lesson of spirituality, unstoppable vitality, optimism and great effort, like Australian miracle man Nick Vujicis or Jessica Cox's - American female helicopter pilot and many other successful examples of building a happy life from unhappy and miserable backgrounds.

This book let us know that changing the destiny is a process that requires a lot of energy and effort, it can happen to anyone who really want to find their own happiness.

Losing a part of the body does not mean losing all your life. Falling down three or more times is not the end of life. The happy world is always open to anyone who believes in their potential, energy, effort and patient method. With perseverance and wisdom, nothing is impossible in this world.

Huong's story begins with "falling", followed by "standing up and keep waling" to "open the world". Reflecting on the wisdom of the Buddha perspectives, Huong Duong healed herself from his crippled and unfortunate legs, an act that not everyone in the same situation could do.