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In "What's Your Problem?", Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg introduces a groundbreaking approach to problem-solving that promises to change how we tackle challenges. Drawing on years of research and practical experience, the author presents the art of reframing—a creative technique that shifts the focus from merely solving problems to identifying and redefining them.

The book is structured in a clear and engaging manner. Thomas begins by diagnosing common pitfalls in traditional problem-solving methods, highlighting why many solutions fail to address the root causes of issues. He then introduces the concept of reframing and provides step-by-step guidance on how to apply it in various contexts. Through compelling writing and real-world examples, he illustrates how reframing has been successfully used by organizations and individuals to overcome significant challenges.

  • Title: What’s your problem?
  • Author: Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg
  • Publishers: Vietnam Women’s Publishing House
  • Year Of Publication: 2022