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McGraw-Hill Education visits INSPiRE Library


Mr. Clarence Toh, Sales Director (Asia) of McGraw Hill Education and local partner SEN Techs visits INSPiRE Library in the afternoon of 25th January, 2018

At the meeting, Mr Toh expresses admiration for the INSPiRE'S development and states possible cooperation opportunities regarding to publishing,  translating educational materials and adopting advance digital technologies to enrich high quality learning resources at much cost-saving. To make this happen, both sides also agree to have a further discussion on a Memorandum of Understanding which will definitely boost the bilateral understanding.

Mr. Toh is impressed by the library's urge to deliver knowledge to users with the best education resources and services. "...I've visited many university libraries. There is some designated space for studying I've encountered during those visits in Macau like yours video areas. Your library is so spacious and impressing spaces..", he said.



 McGraw-Hill Education and INSPiRE Library clarify the potetial cooperation aspects


McGraw-Hill Education representatives review the MOU's issues


McGraw-Hill Education shows their consideration for the issues mentioned on the draft MOU.