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April 16, 2024The Authortalk "Read to Succeed" took place at the 10F Auditorium aimed to provide students with insightful views on the secrets to success in learning and career development through sharing experiences and unique perspectives from the speaker - author Mr. Truong Pham Hoai Chung.

This Authortalk was organized by INSPiRE Library in collaboration with Thaihabooks and was one of the activities in a series organized by TDTU Library to respond to Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day (April 21, 2024), aiming to enhance students' awareness of the value and importance of reading, laying an important foundation for lifelong learning and self-study.

The program featured Mr. Truong Pham Hoai Chung, Director of Academic Affairs at Yola Academy and Co-founder of the non-profit organization KIDS Vietnam, as the guest speaker and author. MSc. Hoai Chung is also a shining example of success in the academic path. His journey from a student from the central region of Vietnam who received a high school scholarship in Singapore to a Bachelor's scholarship recipient at Williams College (USA) and then a Master's student in Education Policy and Management at Harvard University has inspired many generations of Vietnamese students.

During his sharing session, Mr. Hoai Chung recounted his practical experiences, from applying for a high school scholarship in Singapore to his study journey in the United States. He not only mentioned the challenges that any international student would face when getting acquainted with the education environment in the United States but also shared valuable lessons he learned during this process. Additionally, Mr. Hoai Chung discussed the essential life skills that he developed during his study abroad, such as time management, adapting to a new learning environment, reading skills, searching for and utilizing diverse learning and research materials, etc. These experiences not only helped him succeed in his studies but also played a core role in his personal development and shaping his future career.

Moreover, Mr. Hoai Chung introduced to the students present at the 10F Auditorium the "Success Formula" that he created during his academic and career development journey. Mr. Hoai Chung's "Success Formula" is based on the correlation between wealthiness and healthiness. He emphasized that to be successful in life, one not only needs material success but also needs to maintain a healthy mental and physical state. Besides, wealthiness is not limited to financial prosperity but also extends to social relationships, life experiences, etc. Each student will define and expand the scope of this wealth to suit their own environment, conditions, and life principles.

Discussing the significance of reading and the importance of nurturing healthy reading habits, Mr. Hoai Chung shared effective reading techniques, approaches to issues, and knowledge exploitation from books and various other diverse sources for students to reference and apply in practice.

One of the highlights of the program was the direct exchange between the speaker and students. Various questions from how to succeed in learning to steps to career development raised by students were answered by Mr. Hoai Chung with sincere and very practical responses based on his rich personal experience. Through this interaction, students gained more advice, ideas about study skills, effective time management, goal setting, balancing study and life, effective reading habit development, as well as maintaining positivity during difficult times. For each answer to the questions posed, Mr. Hoai Chung shared personal stories and practical suggestions that served as inspiration for students to rely on in order to implement specific actions for their own development in their learning and future careers.

Especially in the Q&A session, Mr. Hoai Chung continuously encouraged students not only to ask questions but also to share their thoughts, perspectives, and even dissenting opinions. With active interaction between the speaker and students, the Q&A session was lively "like a class at Harvard University," as MSc. Hoai Chung had hoped. The ten students with the most impressive interaction in the Q&A session were awarded books written by Mr. Hoai Chung - the book author by the program's organizers.

Through the successful stories shared at the Authortalk, with the theme "Read to Succeed," TDTU students have gained more motivation to promote their personal development through the power of reading culture and lifelong learning, thereby laying the foundation for their own future success.
