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Cracking the language code: A recap of the English language empowerment workshop

October 28, 2023 - TDTU INSPiRE Library recently played host to a two-day workshop "Language Empowerment: Refining English Skills for Academic Success" on October 27-28, 2023. This academic event was a resounding success and was made possible through the collaborative efforts of TDTU INSPiRE Library, the Regional English Language Office of the US Embassy in Hanoi, the sponsorship of ZIM Academy, and the support from TDTU Book Club. The workshop attracted over 500 enthusiastic students eager to enhance their English language skills and academic proficiency.

The workshop, held at the inspiring Meeting Hall 10F, featured the special speaker, Ms. Carla Barley from the English Language Specialist Program, Regional English Language Office of the US Embassy in Hanoi. She had shared invaluable insights and strategies to improve students' English language abilities and develop their academic skills.

The first day of the workshop With the topic "How to read academic materials in English” was dedicated to the critical skill of reading academic textbooks in English. Participants received guidance on effective reading techniques, reading strategies, and useful tips to help them navigate complex English-language texts. This topic aimed to equip students with the necessary tools to comprehend, analyze, and critically engage with academic textbooks in English, a vital skill for academic success of students in university.

On the second day with the topic: “How to Practice Speaking English Inside and Outside the Classroom", students delved into the art of speaking English fluently and confidently both in and outside the classroom. The workshop explored techniques for improving pronunciation, communication skills, and fostering a comfortable environment for English language practice. By the end of the day, participants felt more confident in their ability to converse effectively in English. Beyond the enriching academic content, the workshop offered a dose of fun and excitement. Students participated in English language minigames, fostering a spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie. Winners were rewarded with special gifts from ZIM Academy and INSPiRE Library, encouraging active participation and engagement.

The workshop "Language Empowerment: Refining English Skills for Academic Success" is part of a broader series of academic events that TDTU INSPiRE Library is hosting throughout the school year of 2023/24. This series aims to promote reading culture and various essential academic skills among students. By providing opportunities for students to refine their English language abilities and acquire essential academic skills, TDTU INSPiRE Library is empowering them to succeed in their academic endeavors and future careers.
