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Developing reading comprehension skills with the topic: The secret of reading English textbooks effectively

On the morning of November 24, 2018, the program Developing reading comprehension skills with the topic: The secret of reading English textbooks effectively was held by Ton Duc Thang University Library and Creative Language Center (CLC).

This mini-seminar focuses on four main points: the benefits of self-study of English textbooks, how to find the book easily, how to master reading English textbooks skill. Speakers at the seminar are Ms. Maria Camela Sultan (Center for Creative Language CLC) and Mr. Phan Tran Truong (INSPiRE Library).

Self-study, especially study English materials, is one of the essential skills of a university student; particularly in Ton Duc Thang University, those skills are much more important because students must use English materials everyday. In this program, library users are equipped with the skills needed to effectively exploit the support tools and learning resources available at the Ton Duc Thang University Library, exploring the potential of each individual for self-study in their life. Participants were instructed directly and practiced self-study methods, researching useful English writing materials to choose the most suitable method during the program.

The next episode of seminar Developing reading comprehension skills with the topic: The secret of reading English textbooks effectively will be held on December 4, 2018, students interested in this can register HERE.


2.jpgMs. Maria Camela Sultan is introducing some useful models of effective reading ...

1a.jpg​...then the participants could choose which is the most suitable way for themselves.... practicing all of those methods at the seminar

