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INSPiRE Library – Four Years of A Non-stop Journey

Four years ago on July 15th, 2017, the birth of INSPiRE Library - Ton Duc Thang University made a big reputation not only with academic libraries but also entire libraries in Vietnam. A modern academic library reaching international standards has become a reality in Ho Chi Minh City. INSPiRE Library has an area of 8,678 square meters, built in more than 2 years with an initial investment of 129 billion VND. INSPiRE Library is designed by the lecturers and students of Ton Duc Thang University with a unique design style.7 floors -7 different colors of the building, creates an airy space. This sophisticated, harmonious interior design breathes fresh, creative inspiration into the traditionally dry academic space.

With the University's investment in both facilities and resources and the relentless efforts to improve the capacity of the library staff, up to now, after 4 years, INSPiRE Library has achieved the following goals: remarkable achievements in carrying out the mission of inspiring research, learning and unlocking the hidden potential in each lecturer and student.

Not only developing "Research and Publication Support Services", but Our Librarians have also directly participated in writing scientific articles and published in prestigious scientific journals of Scopus and ISI. (01 Scopus article and 02 ISI articles). Most recently, in July 2021, the article "The Work Motivation of Academic Librarians in Comparison with Other Librarians in Vietnam" was published in the Journal of "Portal: Libraries and the Academy". INSPiRE Library consulted the University to buy access to high-quality databases such as the Web of Sciences database, NASATI database, CaseLaw database, .. to serve practical teaching and research activities of the University. faculty, researchers, graduate students, students.

In just 4 years of operation, INSPiRE Library has organized 02 national library seminars and signed MOU cooperation with Mahidol University Library Thailand and Chulalongkorn University Library Thailand. on strengthening links, sharing quality resources, and exchanging personnel.

During the period heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, INSPiRE Library has made efforts to effectively support online teaching and learning activities through specialized equipment in the studio to create video lessons. High-quality lecturers for faculties, ensuring remote access to subject materials for students, organizing online activities to support student's development of reading and research skills, etc. Not stopping at the achievements, with the attention and investment from the University, INSPiRE Library is continuing to make constant efforts on the way to fulfill its noble mission with the motto "A Library is the Heart of a University”.