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Library and freshmen in the Student Orientation week

At Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), Library acts as a second hall beside classroom. TDTU focuses on self-study, self-research and development of students, that why the way student student at library is used to evaluate student's learning process. Completing library orientation class and pass library test are required to be granted the right to use Library.

The meeting between Library and students is a part of the Student Orientation week lasts from October 12 to 17, 2020. At the meeting, on behalf of Library, Mr. Phan Van Duy - Head of Information Services shared with freshmen some topics, such as: The importance of self-study in the university; General information about library services, library as to help freshmen know more details about library role and feel more confident to use library effectively.

Library will have many forthcoming activities to help new students become more familiar with the dynamic university environment at TDTU such as: Event Speak it out with the topic "Thank you mom for giving birth to me"; Event "Developing research skill for student"; Event "How to read English book effectively", and other programs.

Some photos of meeting:

The Student Orientation week is a madatory activity for freshmen 

Mr. Phan Van Duy - Head of Information Services is sharing about library services

Students ask - Library answers