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Talk show: Students and reading culture

On the afternoon of October 30, 2019, INSPiRE Library, Book Club and Communist Youth Union together hold the talk show: Students and reading culture, sponsored by Fahasa publisher.

The talk show inspired Ton Duc Thang University Student about reading culture and attracted more than 600 students to attend. The students were exchanged with 2 famous young authors: Anh Khang and Tri. In addition, the students were also listened to Mr. Do Duc Hieu - Lecturer of Ton Duc Thang University to share about reading culture and how to develop effective reading skills.

Some photos of the program:


Ms. Truong Thi Ngoc Mai - Director of Library has a welcome speech


Speakers receive thankful flowers from the talkshow organizer

33.jpgMr. Do Duc Hieu shares with students about reading culture

4.JPGSpeakers shares with students about reading culture 

4.JPGSpeakers shares with students about reading culture 

4.JPGSpeakers shares with students about reading culture 

5.JPGGive students signature

55.JPG Take a memorial picture together

6.jpgTake a library tour