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Has anyone ever had problems in life? Has anyone ever been lonely? Has anyone ever been fail or never once feel too difficult to find some peace in life?

Then suddenly one day, somewhere on the bare road, rustic poems appear:

Do you know, love is strongly magical!

If the familiar holding – hands, now know the way to go

Just be patient, love does not need to rush

Among all over the world, we will see each other's shadow again.

Philosophical essays contain treatment for wounds in life: “When I came to this life, I brought nothing, when I leave, I am just like a wave. I realize that human’s life is so simple! Wealth and then pass by the day, love and feud then return to dust ”.

Over the years, thousands of readers have been looking for the books of Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Tue to find a source of motivation to live, regain balance and firmly step forward to the future.

It is very joyful that in this complicated life, there is a meditative soul, living a religious life, diligently carrying the lovely gifts that help human life. So grateful for all those who have enough grace to hold the book “Stay peace with vicissitudes of life” because each page will be like a light to illuminate our hearts, helping us to find true peace.