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Special Event: Welcome Freshmen K26

In a series of activities welcoming K26 students and their parents to the campus for admission procedure of TDTU, INSPiRE Library and Book Club has launched the Welcome Freshmen Program to help them quickly expose themselves to the academic life and library environment at TDTU.

This special program started from October 19th, 2022 to October 24, 2022 and recurred from October 26th, 2020 to October 30, 2022. Together with on-site visits, the online version of Welcome Freshmen Program on Library and Book Club facebook pages attracted many views through posts and videos that introduced a comprehensive picture of the TDTU INSPiRE Library. 

Enrolling in TDTU was such an milestone decision that students made to draw their future pathway and visiting the campus, library in-person to see the facilities, services and learning resources gave them more confidence in what they chose. Students’ parents also put their trust into the high education quality, academic environment of TDTU as well as being impressed by an state-of-art and international standard library at TDTU. This event received 165 visits with nearly 300 freshmen and parents.
