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Phụ nữ Online - Entering INSPiRE Library at Ton Duc Thang University left me truly awestruck by its grandeur. I admired the students of this school and couldn't help feeling a pang of regret for myself.

Perhaps, among those visiting with me, fellow Vietnamese students who haven't had the chance to experience libraries at world-renowned universities would feel the same.

Students researching materials at INSPiRE Library, Ton Duc Thang University

It's true that this library is arguably the most beautiful and modern in Vietnam today. However, beauty and grandeur alone are not enough. My admiration for this library also reflects the goals it strives to achieve for its users - the students and faculty.

With its 7-story building spanning nearly 9,000m2, valued at 129 billion VND, everything here is dedicated to serving students. This library is more than just a place for studying; it also offers facilities for watching movies, accessing resources, and participating in online seminars from universities as far as the United States.

Here, you'll find not only elegant artistic spaces but also state-of-the-art technology and audiovisual equipment to ensure that students' learning and research keep pace with the times… These are amenities that Vietnamese students have long dreamed of but have rarely seen.

True to its name, INSPiRE Library was meticulously designed by the university's faculty to inspire their students. They've created a shared learning space across its floors, each uniquely painted to engage learners.

Each floor is named after a characteristic of "INSPIRE": Indurance, Nisus, Sagacity, Progress, Initiative, Responsibility, and Excellence.

And perhaps most notably, this might be Vietnam's first "24/7" library, open around the clock so students can access it whenever they need. I still recall the article "Harvard, 4:30 AM," describing the non-stop pursuit of knowledge in what's considered the temple of academia. There, the spirit of learning and research reigns supreme, fueling dreams of achievement whether in the dining hall, library, or lecture hall, day or night…

We can't compare Vietnamese students with those at Harvard, nor can we rank INSPiRE Library at Ton Duc Thang University alongside the world's most prestigious institutions. Yet, in this library, we see hope for diligent students who burn the midnight oil to become future leaders in politics, economics, and genuine scientific discovery.

Not long ago, we might have scoffed at this university's aspirations to be the first, the only, and the best at everything, weary of empty titles in our country. But now, I believe in the words of the university's leadership: "When students dream, it's our duty to provide them with the best possible conditions to achieve those dreams."

Phụ nữ Online | Writer: Thanh Thanh