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How much are you worth? You have the right to value, yourself!

More than 40 stories about love, marriage, family, career...coming from author's life and the people around, both realistic and suggestive, easily helping them we relate to our situation. With these stories, Van Tinh hopes to help the girls escape the difficult situation, find the ego, live the life the way they want.

When reading this book, you should stop, sometimes and be honest with yourself, whether you are the-best-version-you-love-the-most or the-most-wanted-version you want to become. Try to answer somes question: Does compromise make you happy? Are you trying to please everyone? Do you dare to change? ... And most important: How much are you worth?

"When we got enough exellence and intelligence, we will have a wise heart and clear eyes, see through the reality and the rigors of the world, distinguishing all the false and righteous, but still confident and enthusiastic. Hope we will all become such a girl ... ”

"My dear girls, hope that our growth does not come from injury. There is no need to become the-girl-is-loved-by-everyone, but you must to become the-girl-that-you-love-the-most"

"Among us, there are so many people have spent their whole life to find sincere love but they can not, because they have compromised with life before sincere love would appear"