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Hello teachers and students. Today, Inspire Library in association with Book Club would like to introduce a book named "A world of three zeros" by author Muhammad Yunus.

Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi economist. He was the one who popularized the concept of microcredit, that is, small loans to very poor people. And he is the founder of Grameen Bank

In the book The Three Zeros Muhammad Yunus shared: “We are fortunate enough to have been born in an age of great opportunities – an age of technological marvels, immense wealth, and limitless energy of human. Now the solutions to many of the world's pressing problems – including problems like hunger, poverty and disease that destroyed humanity before the dawn of history – are within reach. Most of these solutions can be accelerated by building a new economic order that takes into account the powerful tool of social enterprise.

In a world that seems to be giving birth to more and more sad news, we can create a powerful source of hope, demonstrating that the indomitable human spirit never bows to boredom and disappointed. The purpose of human life on this planet is not just to survive but to live with elegance, beauty and happiness. We have to make that happen. We need to create a new civilization based not on greed but on a full set of human values. Let's start today"

We would like all of teachers and students to read the book.