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Preliminary Round of the 2024 Reading Culture Ambassador Contest at TDTU


Following Official Letter No. 1173/BVHTTDL-TV issued by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism on March 22, 2024, regarding the organization of the 2024 Reading Culture Ambassador Contest, the Library in collaboration with various departments at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) is organizing the Preliminary Round of the 2024 Reading Culture Ambassador Contest at TDTU. The contest aims to ignite a passion for reading among the younger generation, exchange and share reading experiences, develop a reading culture, and encourage and promote the reading movement within TDTU community. This initiative is intended to cultivate reading habits and enhance reading skills for students, while also promoting the positive image of TDTU in the field of education in Vietnam.

  1. Timeline
    • Submission of entries: April 20, 2024 - June 10, 2024
    • Announcement of results and selection of the top three entries for the Final Round: June 18, 2024
    • Submission of the top three entries for the Final Round: June 25, 2024
  2. Participants All students currently enrolled at Ton Duc Thang University.


  1. Content (Questions set by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism): Participants can choose one of the following two topics:

    TOPIC 1
    • Question 1: Which literary work has inspired you, raised your awareness towards a positive, socially responsible lifestyle, and awakened your will and aspiration to contribute to building and developing a prosperous and happy Vietnam?
    • Question 2: Propose an initiative to promote reading among specific groups such as people in border areas, islands, economically disadvantaged regions, ethnic minorities, the elderly, and visually impaired individuals. Include goals, target beneficiaries, activities, and expected outcomes. Initiatives that have been practically applied with evidence are encouraged.
    TOPIC 2
    • Question 1: Write a short story to spread the love of reading, inspiring responsibility towards oneself, family, society, and awakening national pride and love for the country.
    • Question 2: Propose an initiative to promote reading among specific groups such as people in border areas, islands, economically disadvantaged regions, ethnic minorities, the elderly, and visually impaired individuals. Include goals, target beneficiaries, activities, and expected outcomes. Initiatives that have been practically applied with evidence are encouraged.
  2. Format Participants submit their entries independently:

    • Submit entries in Word file or video format to the Contest Organizing Committee via email or directly at the Information Service Room (Library, 6th floor, G building) with participant information: full name, pseudonym (if any), student ID number, contact phone number.
    • The Organizing Committee will select the top three entries to participate in the Final Round of the national "2024 Reading Culture Ambassador" contest.
  3. Contest Rules
3.1 Entry Format Requirements
  • Each participant must submit an individual entry (no group submissions), presented in Vietnamese, in one of the following formats:
    • Written (typed): The entry should not exceed 5,000 words (15 typed pages), using Times New Roman font, size 13, A4 paper size (margins: left: 2.5 cm; top/bottom/right: 2 cm).
    • Video: Minimum duration of 5 minutes, maximum of 10 minutes; may use effects and techniques ensuring image and sound quality; maximum file size of 2GB, minimum resolution of 480px, minimum frame size of 854x480; saved in common formats (.mp4, .avi, .mpeg, .mkv, .klv, etc.), suitable for uploading on YouTube.
3.2 Entry Content Requirements
  • The entry must fully answer both questions in the chosen topic, with content that is healthy, pure, and in line with Vietnamese customs and culture, ensuring accuracy, information safety, and compliance with relevant legal regulations.
  • Books shared in the entry must be legally published in Vietnam (participants are encouraged to share recently published books that are timely and relevant, reflecting the aspiration to contribute to society), with specific and complete publication source information.
3.3 Other Requirements
  • The entry must be the creative product of the individual participant (Videos must be presented by the participant, including narration and storytelling), not previously displayed, exhibited, published online, or entered in any other contest.
  • Any use of content, quotes, images, etc., from others in the entry must be fully cited. Videos using images, songs, and sounds must comply with intellectual property, copyright, and related rights regulations. Participants are responsible for any legal disputes related to copyright violations (if any).
  • Submitted entries will not be returned to participants. The Organizing Committee may use the entries to promote the Contest and support reading activities, without liability for any copyright disputes related to the participating entries.
4. Judging Criteria
  • Content: Maximum of 7 points if meeting content requirements as mentioned above.
  • Format: Maximum of 3 points if meeting format and other requirements as mentioned above.
5. Prize Structure
  • 1 First Prize: 1,200,000 VND + Certificate of Merit from the University
  • 1 Second Prize: 1,000,000 VND + Certificate of Merit from the University
  • 1 Third Prize: 800,000 VND + Certificate of Merit from the University
  • 1 Fourth Prize: 500,000 VND + Certificate of Merit from the University
  • 2 Consolation Prizes: 300,000 VND/prize + Certificate of Merit from the University