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THAY LOI MUON NOI (Speak What You Wish To Say), TOPIC “MIEN KY UC” (Old Memory)
Share feelings about books, share personal feelings related to the topic of the program, so that the TDTU student community can have an emotional exchange environment.
Virtual training session: Efficient Research Discovery on New Web of Science
Virtual training session: Efficient Research Discovery on New Web of Science
In a series of activities to enhance research exploration and introducing new features and tools on Web of Science, the virtual training session themed: Efficient Research Discovery on New Web of Science was conducted by TDTU INSPiRE Library and Clarivate Analytics.
Event: Speak It Out - October 2020
On the occasion of the Vietnamese Women's Day, this event with the theme "Thank you mom for giving birth to me"
Event "The secret of how to read english book effectively"
On the morning of November 25, 2019, the event The secret of how to read english book effectively was held by INSPiRE Library and Creative Language Center (CLC).
Scientific Seminar: University autonomy in the integration period
The common voice for the urgent need of university autonomy in Vietnam has been raised by those who have devoted their whole life to the education sector.
Universities participate in building Open educational resources
On 23/08/2019, at TDTU, the Vietnam Association for Promoting Education in collaboration with MOET organized a scientific conference
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