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Life is a journey. On that journey, we cannot control everything that will happen, but we can choose our own path. Every turn in life has secrets. There, sometimes joy, hope and passion, sometimes sadness, depression and disappointment.

How do you know where the road to success and happiness is? It depends on ourselves - not someone else - who holds our own future. Instead of focusing only on fulfilling the expectations set by others, we should proactively promote our own values. Therefore, we should identify specific goals to strive for and at the same time create new opportunities for ourselves.

Without understanding what is really needed for us, everything is easy for us to become meaningless. Similarly, when we do not know where we are going, the way we go will become cloudy and uncertain. Success and future depends on today's choice. Therefore, prepare yourself the necessary things to be confident on the road ahead.

This is also the message that the author David P. Campbell would like to send to readers through this book.

As a doctor of psychology, David P. Campbell is also known as a world leading expert in the field of career guidance. He is a member of the Leadership Research Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 2006, he was nominated for the Clifton Strengths for his success in the study of psychological strength. Some of his works, includinghthiss book (original title: If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else), are considered by many schools to be student guides - Students choose the best career for themselves, based on their true passions.

In addition to encouraging people to do what they really care about and love, this book also helps readers to have career orientation so that they can promote their strengths. More importantly, if you're someone who doesn't like to passively wait for an opportunity to come to you, the book will suggest ways to create opportunities for yourself.

With tight, logical and easy-to-grasp arguments, this book will open readers to practical directions, so that besides promoting their strengths, we also have fun and a sense of happiness, emotion and passion in work and life. Through this, readers, especially young readers who are facing career choices, can gain more experience to firmly step into the future.