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Love has many aspects. There are one-way loves. There are two-way loves but both always persecute each other. There are false hopes. There are people who love mindlessly. There are people who are still attached to their old loves.

In the book “Nếu biết anh sẽ là người cũ”, Hashtag Dawn wrote about love with different aspects, with the perspective of those who give love, those who receive love, those who have gone through their love but still linger in each other. Young love does not always break up incompletely. There are endings that they move on and leave each other behind, once for all, because that person is no longer deserved. There are endings as a relief for hearts that no longer share the same rhythm. There are relationships that can heal the pain, but there are also relationships that only bring other pain to each other.

This book is about love stories, filled with sadness and happiness, kindness and wickedness, torment and completeness – like the varied life. After all, the book emphasizes the lessons of sincerity - harmony - kindness. Keeping someone to stay is actually not difficult, but it is not easy to make them feel really happy with their stay. Hopefully each of us will find our own stories somewhere in the book, and gain experiences after reading it.