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Every individual defines happiness in his/ her own unique way the way he/she feels it.

Happiness can never be seen, it can only be felt by the one who get it. Happiness is said to be an individual’s beliefs, faith, desires and aspirations.

Happiness is connected with things that make you feel happy such as faith, wealth, career, relationships and love. For many people happiness is much more than career, success and wealth.

Happiness is finding reasons behind your existence. The extent of happiness cannot be measured by any scale. Happiness is neither tradable nor profitable. Everybody wants happiness in their lives. We must always be contented and happy with whatever we have. Though many people find happiness in wealth or materialistic things such as cars, TV, clothes, jewelry, cell phones, bikes etc. but they fail to understand that wealth is material and cannot guarantee happiness in the long run.

Even those who have owe all the luxurious of the world sometimes fail to attain happiness. Ultimately the decision to be happy lies with us. Finding happiness with the things we have is very important in life. If you are choosing happiness in success then you must keep trying to succeed if once failed.


This book review video was made by Book Club./