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Undoubtedly, we all harbor a great deal of frustration in our hearts and perpetually wish that people could read our thoughts and intentions. But eventually, after experiencing a lot, we come to the realization that because everyone has a unique existence, nobody can anticipate their demands. You may find it difficult to express certain things because you fear upsetting the other person or are unsure of the appropriate words to use, such as informing someone you are unable to help them. You worry that if you put yourself first, it will have an impact on your relationships. However, if you always put others before yourself, you end up doing much more harm to yourself.

Setting boundaries is difficult, especially when dealing with loved ones. Because discussing this can be awkward and, worse yet, can enrage them. But only if we are prepared to express our desires can we continue to have a good relationship. It can be a huge thing, such as "I won't be with you if you're drunk," or it can be a small one, such as "Please take off your shoes when you enter my house." But regardless of size, these things are crucial.