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Cantho Public Library and Hanoi University Library visited INSPiRE Library
Both CanTho Public Library and Hanoi University Library are planning to develop the Library and select Ton Duc Thang University Library as a reference model.
The Art Of Success: Read, Retain, Relate… Read
The art of success in leadership and society, as well as in other areas, is due to reading. What seems to be a fairly simple activity is in fact the alpha and the omega when it comes to success.
Training course on making lecture videos
On December 19, 2019, INSPiRE library has organized the training course on making lecture videos for its users who are TDTU lecturers. The course is part of the Library's Information Literacy program.
10 Ways to Improve Your Memory and Super Boost Your Brainpower (Part 3 - End)
Have you ever noticed that some people are able to effortlessly remember even the most mundane details and quickly comprehend new things? Well, you can too!
The atmosphere during the exam of first semester at INSPiRE Library
With an open space design, modern equipment and professional librarians, INSPiRE library always aims to give students a comfortable and inspirational environment for learning.
10 Ways to Improve Your Memory and Super Boost Your Brainpower (Part 2)
Have you ever noticed that some people are able to effortlessly remember even the most mundane details and quickly comprehend new things? Well, you can too.
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