These are 5 universities that social media posers, who've been spending the rest of their life hunting for impeccable scenes for their real cool photos, can not miss.

Assume you were a student or visitor, let's visit Ton Duc Thang University Library - which has been publicly praised and admired recently to see a clear proof of interior's role in the creation of design.

The Embassy of Finland in Vietnam has supported the Vietnam-Finland International School (VFIS) at Ton Duc Thang University in organizing the "Finnish School Day".

TDTU INSPiRE Library is such a inspirational library that is especially designed for promoting and fostering learning and researching activities.

The 15th of July is a memorable day to TDTU Community, as the occasion on which INSPiRE Library is formally opened. This is a result of an great effort and dedication of many campus members.