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New Arrivals

This book questions major assumptions about Ise, notably the idea that Ise has always been defined by its imperial connections, and that it has always been a site of Shinto. The book, which was written by leading researchers in the field of Shinto, provides a crucial history of Japan's most significant sacred place.

Hamlet is a fine play, which was written by William Shakespeare himself. Hamlet, a Denmark Prince, is the main character in this play. He is the only son to the dead King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. Claudius is the present King and his uncle that becomes a new husband to his mother.

This book offers examples across a wide range of industries such as retail, media, telecommunications, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and more. The book clearly describes how to take a strategic approach to AI to achieve phenomenal growth.

Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg has written a practical and approachable guide to problem framing and problem perception, knowledge that will be invaluable to anyone involved in business or employment in government organizations.