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  • Number of Area: 1
  • Location: Basement Level B1
  • Purpose: Supporting student self-study outside the main library's regular hours
  • Seating Capacity: 1,000 seats
  • Operating Hours: Opens at 7:30 PM and remains open until the end of the user's registered time; register at least 30 minutes before the overnight study area opens
  • Amenities: Tables, chairs, free wireless access, electronic resources, and print resources available on request

  • Go to the "Reserve a Room" section on the Library Portal.
  • Log in using your student/faculty/staff portal account.
  • Select and book a room according to your requirements.
  • Complete the required information in the booking form.
  • Check the booking result after 10 minutes.
  • Check in and check out at the Help Desk - B1.

Note: A minimum of 30 users is required to book the room. Overlapping bookings for multiple groups are accepted.

Contact staff: here