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  • Room Availability: 9 rooms
  • Location: 3rd and 5th Floors
  • Purpose: Presentations for teaching and study purposes
  • Capacity: 8 rooms for 5-9 people, 1 room for 30 people
  • Usage Duration: 2 hours per session, extensions allowed if no one is waiting
  • Amenities: Tables, chairs, Smart TV, CPU, Internet access

How to reserve a Practice Presentation Room
  • Go to the "Reserve a Room" section on the Library Portal.
  • Log in using your student/faculty/staff portal account.
  • Select and book a room according to your requirements.
  • Complete the required information in the booking form.
  • Check the booking result after 10 minutes.
  • Go to the reserved room and follow these procedures:
    • Scan your card at the Access Control device to check in and open the room.
    • Use the room in accordance with the regulations.
  • Contact the library staff on the corresponding floor to end your session.

  • Bookings will be canceled if the user is more than 10 minutes late.
  • Users can cancel their booking through Go INSPiRE App or by notifying the responsible staff via email, phone or in person.
  • Usage time is calculated from the end of the session minus the start time recorded by the Access Control system.
  • To ensure availability, please register as early as possible. .

Contact staffs: 3rd Floor; 5th Floor