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On the morning of February 24, Ton Duc Thang University Library (TDTU Library) collaborated with the Library of Chulalongkorn University (CU Library) to organize an online Workshop: "Innovation in Online Teaching: Content Development and Effective Management". The event saw participation from leaders and specialists of TDTU Library, CU Library, and the Archives and Library Center of the People’s Police University.

The workshop commenced with an opening speech by Mr. Trinh Phi Cuong, Manager of TDTU Library, who emphasized the critical role of technology in library management to enhance operational efficiency and improve service quality for users. Within the framework of the workshop, specialists from CU Library introduced Chula UltimateX—a cutting-edge, staffless automated library system currently being implemented at Chulalongkorn University. The practical experiences and technological solutions presented provided valuable insights, serving as a significant reference for library managers and specialists in promoting digital transformation models at their respective institutions.

The program unfolded in a lively atmosphere with active discussions. Numerous questions were raised, and ideas were exchanged to identify feasible and suitable solutions for effectively and sustainably implementing automated library models tailored to the specific needs of each institution. The event not only facilitated the exchange of experiences but also deepened participants’ understanding of emerging technological trends, enabling them to develop practical implementation plans aligned with real-world conditions.

At the conclusion of the workshop, representatives from TDTU Library expressed heartfelt gratitude to the leadership of CU Library and the team of specialists for sharing their professional expertise. The online workshop "Innovation in Online Teaching: Content Development and Effective Management" not only strengthened the sustainable partnership among the participating libraries but also reaffirmed their shared commitment to innovating and advancing the library sector amid the current digital transformation landscape.

Some images from the event: