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Special Event: Welcome Freshmen
Special Event: Welcome Freshmen K26
In a series of activities welcoming K26 students and their parents to the campus for admission procedure of TDTU, INSPiRE Library and Book Club has launched the Welcome Freshmen Program to help them quickly expose themselves to the academic life and library environment at TDTU. This event received 165 visits with nearly 300 freshmen and parents.
The International Conference on Developing Intelligent Digital Libraries: International Experience - Proposed Solutions for Vietnam
The International Conference on Developing Intelligent Digital Libraries: International Experience - Proposed Solutions for Vietnam
DIDL 2022 is an academic forum to share ideas and experiene about the development trend of digital data sources in the context of library interoperability and appropriate application solutions related to building and developing intelligent digital libraries in Vietnam.
Event: Online Book Introduction Contest 2022 - Open Call for Submissions
Event: Online Book Introduction Contest 2022 - Open Call for Submissions
Open call for submissions for the 2022 Online Book Introduction Contest organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Winning entries get high awards from TDTU and be submitted to the national preliminary round this year.
Book Fair - March 2022
Book Fair - March 2022
In a series of activities to promote a stronger reading culture and self-study among TDTU community, TDTU INSPiRE Library in associated with Phuong Nam Books were holding the Book Fair at Library's Exhibition Lounge from March 8 to March 10, 2022
Webinar: Effectively exploit the library for student scientific research
Webinar: Effectively exploit the library for student scientific research
The webinar aimed to promote student engagement in doing research by taking advantage of a wide range of library research supports including information resources, services, specialist supports, spaces & facilities.
Event: The secret of how to read English book effectively
The program was live streamed on the Library fanpage and shared on the fanpage of other clubs/groups of Ton Duc Thang University.
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