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Event: " Speak It Out" in October with the topic "Stand up and walk"
The monthly event " Speak It Out" in October with the topic "Stand up and walk" took place on the afternoon of October 29, 2018.
Ton Duc Thang University INSPiRE Library through visitors' eyes
Ton Duc Thang University INSPiRE Library through visitors' eyes
There were 65 delegations from authority's agencies and academic bodies participated the Seminar "Smart Library 4.0: Technology - Data - Human" and INSPiRE Library to visit and exchange professional experience.
Seminar "Smart Library 4.0: Technology - Data – Human”
Ton Duc Thang Library cooperated with the Northern Academic Library Association (NALA) and the Library Information Center of Hanoi National University (LIC) have organized the seminar on October 25, 2018.
Announcement: Wifi Access
We would like to inform all of our users that users are required to log in in order to access INSPiRE wifi. Click Read More to see details.
Book Club special show: "Say It Out: Nostalgia for you"
In September 20, 2018, "Say It Out: Nostalgia for you" - a special event - has been taken placed by TDTU Book Club with the participation of many students of Ton Duc Thang University.
 Springer Nature visited and worked at Ton Duc Thang University INSPiRE Library
Springer Nature visited and worked at Ton Duc Thang University INSPiRE Library
On the morning of June 13rd, 2018, representatives of Springer Nature visited and worked at Ton Duc Thang University INSPiRE Library to explore the potential collaboration areas.
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