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Today, the INSPiRE Library, in collaboration with the Book Club, would like to introduce a new book titled: " Dear World – A Syrian Girl’s story of war and ple for peace" by Bana Alabed.

Little Bana Alabed did not have a tranquil childhood when she was old enough to attend school, nor were her teachers as devoted to her education as other children. Bana had to dress in garments dusted with the dreary war dust. Her early years conjure up images of bombs that are constantly ready to go off.

Since she knew how to use Twitter, her tweet "I just want to live without fear" has been what truly got people's attention. Thousands of people all over the world were moved by these calls, as if Bana had unintentionally taken a stand on behalf of all the children who were suffering as a result of the bombs and guns. In times of danger, Bana and her family were protected by that voice, and her fellow countrymen received priceless assistance.