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Event: " Speak It Out" in October with the topic "Stand up and walk"

The monthly event " Speak It Out" in October with the topic "Stand up and walk" took place on the afternoon of October 29, 2018. This special activity attracted hundreds of participants who're into reading to share their feelings. The program attracted many readers to participate and share their feelings.

Previously, the Book Club had launched a program to write reviews of books, which told stories relating to the topic "Stand up and walk". There were dozens of reviews with unique writing styles, deep insights was sent to the program. During the event, participant could listen some selected reviews and there were presents for authors who showed their unique ideas towards the books. Those presents were two books, one for the author and one for someone he wanted to share with.

The program also included music performances by Book Club's members and exciting games to connect book lovers together.



Authors of selected reviews received presents 


Book lovers sharing what they think and feel




Participants enjoyed some games to make a closer atmosphere and make some noise 

The monthly event " Speak It Out" in October with the topic "Stand up and walk" ended with the resonance in soul and the fires of motivation will spark in each of book lovers. With these wishes and efforts, the organization board will continue to bring to the reading community the next programs for upcoming months.

The upcoming events' information will be posted on our Facebook fanpage and library's homepage.