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Responding to the growing demand for digital integration in education, particularly within higher education institutions, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) has taken proactive steps towards digital transformation in its management and teaching practices. The objective is to elevate the quality of educational endeavors within the institution. Since the 2018-2019 academic year, TDTU has intensified efforts to create digital learning materials to aid teaching and learning. This includes the production of video lectures capable of supplementing or entirely replacing traditional teaching content, as well as serving as reference material for student self-study.

In the academic year 2023-2024, TDTU initiated the development of video lectures to support digitally-integrated teaching models. Concurrently, the university has prioritized equipping its faculty with digital skills and literacy to effectively utilize digital tools in designing teaching activities. In light of this, the Inspirational Library organized a training workshop: "Creating Video Lecture Skills for Lecturers" on April 7, 2024. The workshop saw the participation of faculty members from 20 departments, subjects, and centers of the university, both in-person and online.

Led by Dr. Hoang Duan, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Management and Arts at HCMC University of Culture, along with his team, the workshop aimed to enhance the skills and expertise of TDTU faculty in constructing and producing video lectures. This encompassed guidance on scriptwriting, on-camera presentation skills, acting techniques for video instruction, and post-production tasks, including:

  • Script Development: Drawing from extensive experience in scriptwriting for various professional stage productions, Dr. Hoang Duan and his team emphasized the importance of clear structure, engaging content, and effective teaching content delivery techniques in crafting optimal lecture scripts.
  • On-Camera Performance: Director and Screenwriter Ngo Minh Trong instructed participants on body language, pronunciation, vocal expression, and engaging with learners during filming to enhance on-camera presence.
  • Post-Production: Technical personnel responsible for video production at the Studio received guidance on post-production techniques such as video editing, image incorporation, and effects application to refine the content of video lectures.

To conclude the training, Dr. Hoang Duan and his team conducted live filming of sample lectures at the Studio, providing valuable reference material for faculty members' own video lecture construction and production efforts.

The workshop "Creating Video Lecture Skills for Lecturers" forms part of the university's broader initiative to enhance the quality of video lectures for the 2023-2024 academic year, supporting the development of digital learning resources to meet the evolving teaching and learning needs during the university's digital transformation journey.
