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Inspire Library – Non-stop efforts to increase service quality

In July 2021, the International Journal “Portal: Libraries and the Academy” published the article “The Work Motivation of Academic Librarians in Comparison with Other Librarians in Vietnam”. This is a prestigious and high-quality journal in the field of Information Science and Library, one of the ISI journals list.

The International Journal “Portal: Libraries and the Academy

The special point is that 2/4 of the authors of this international article, including the main author, are members of TDTU's Inspire Library. And this is the third international article that Inspire Library has participated in writing and published in prestigious journals of the world (including 01 Scopus article and 02 ISI articles).

Inspire Library's international research and publication activities are its efforts in developing "Research and Publication Support Services". Through research activities, Librarians will have a good understanding and effective support for the University's research activities, continuously develop the depth of research support activities in TDTU.