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Students from the Department of Archives, Faculty of Archival Studies and Office Administration of USSH visited TDTU INSPiRE Libary

September 29, 2022 - More than 50 students from the Department of Archives, Faculty of Archival Studies and Office Administration of University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City paid a visit to TDTU INSPiRE Library. This was a practical activity in order to bridge the gap between classroom knowledge and hands-on practice in the workplace, enhancing their practical knowledge and having a closer look at library practices and academic working environment in the university.

The library management and archiving of materials at TDTU Library were the hot topics in this library tour. Students took time to visit the entire Library building, spaces for learning commons, exchange, information services as well as the Library's working area to see how to manage and operate the library systems. They also studied the building decorations and academic learning space designs at TDTU Library.

Many students expressed their interest in participating in such a field trip to TDTU Library. This program helped students gain a deeper understanding of many aspects of the archival studies as well as had more confidence to be archival studies majors.

Nhu Quynh - one of the tour particpant said: "Very impressed! TDTU Library has a lot of space and utilities for users, especially for practicing presentations, because some university libraries have limited spaces so it is quite difficult to provide suitable space to meet the needs of students. Here at TDTU, it is completely different when students have a variety of choices for learning space."
