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News & Events

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Events 22.10
On the occasion of the Vietnamese Women's Day, this event with the theme "Thank you mom for giving birth to me"
News 16.10
The meeting between Library and students is a part of the Student Orientation week lasts from October 12 to 17, 2020
News 03.07
Soft skills are transferable qualities that help you succeed whatever task you turn to, whether that’s the ability to work well in a team or adapt to changes in your environment. Here are five soft skills you’ll have developed at university which all employers would be interested in.
News 25.06
In June 2020, INSPiRE Library collaborate with Faculty of International Studies organized 2 information literacy classes for Vietnamese Australian International School students.
News 24.06
On the morning of 21/06/2020, the Delegation of the Office of the Party Central Committee led by Mr. Tran Viet Hung, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Party Central Committee visited and worked with TDTU.
News 17.06
If we are in the habit of smoking to relieve stress/anxiety, or over-eating, or taking our frustrations out on others, we must recognize these as habits worth changing, or eliminating. So where do we begin?