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Course Reserve Materials

  • The reserve materials for a course are contingent upon the lecturer's requirements and may include books, articles, theses/dissertations/graduation projects, VCDs/DVDs, or specific pages/chapters/sections of particular documents.
  • The maximum number of materials that can be reserved for a specific course is limited to 10 items per course.

Processing Time for Reserve Requests

  • Reserve requests should be submitted two weeks prior to the commencement of the course, with additional reserve requests accepted throughout the duration of the course.
  • Reserve materials are processed based on the priority of the request submission time by the instructor.
  • The processing time for reserve materials is seven days per request per course.

Note: The processing time for reserve requests may vary depending on the quantity and specific nature of the materials requested.

Permanent Reserves

  • Only open access materials and those owned by Ton Duc Thang University, such as course outlines, lecture slides, theses/graduation projects/master's theses/research projects, are permitted for indefinite electronic reserve.
  • All physical and electronic materials not owned by Ton Duc Thang University will only be reserved for the duration of the course.

Submit a Reserve Request

Please complete all required information and submit your request to reserve materials for a specific course. For materials provided by instructors, they may either deliver them directly to the library staff responsible for reserve services at Ton Duc Thang University Library (See the list) or send them via email to the library at

Lecturers are required to sign a confirmation to affirm that the reserve request is intended solely for teaching, learning, and research purposes associated with the specific course at Ton Duc Thang University. This confirmation also ensures compliance with legal regulations related to copyright as stipulated in the Civil Code, Intellectual Property Law, and Copyright Law concerning authors' rights and related rights.