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April 8 - 17, 2024 - The Book Introduction Program on the Theme: "AI and the Future of Humanity" was conducted by INSPiRE Library at the Exhibition Corner, 1st Floor of the Library Building.

The program aimed to enhance students' understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), brain-computer interface (BCI), as well as the impacts of these breakthrough technologies on shaping the future of humanity through the book: "Next: A Brief History of the Future" by Avi Jorisch and "AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future" by Chen Qiufan, Kai-Fu Lee. These books serve as windows into the future, providing readers with insightful views of the revolutionary changes that innovations, ideas, and new technologies are creating and influencing the development of the world today.

Beyond the pages of books, students also had experienced the augmented reality technology firsthand with scenes, videos, and AR simulations from the art collections of renowned authors and artists worldwide at the Exhibition Corner. Through the interactive AR content integrated into the artworks, students gained a deeper understanding of this groundbreaking technology. Additionally, students could choose to participate in a self-assessment quiz about artificial intelligence and emerging technologies through an online mini-test. As a result, the students with the highest and earliest scores in the mini-test, according to the program's criteria, received prizes from the prpogram. The list of prize-winning students includes:

(1) Mr. Dương Thanh Tính - Student ID: H2200023 - Faculty of Pharmacy

(2) Ms. Lê Thị Hiếu Ngân - Student ID: 52200040 - Faculty of Information Technology

(3) Ms. Phan Xuân Lan - Student ID: 123H0022 - Faculty of Industrial Fine Arts

(4) Mr. Phan Anh Kiệt - Student ID: 523H0046 - Faculty of Information Technology

(5) Ms. Lương Thị Thanh Hương - Student ID: 62200278 - Faculty of Applied Sciences.

By participating this program, students not only expanded their knowledge of technology but also used it to better prepare for their future by seizing the opportunities that lie ahead - where today's young people will be the future leaders in a world shaped by artificial intelligence and new technological innovations.
