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When we grow up, we keep in our hearts the great dream, some of them are just real dreams that are impossible. It's also the time when we fall deeply in love with someone, and then foolishly make ourselves painful. In those days, we are tuck down there at the bottom of a well then lock yourself up and never let you escape. You feel something arises in soul with loads of conflicted emotions. You remember the day she left away from your life to gradually became "the ex", some of our friends left us to become "old friends".

Tell me, why grow-ups are so lonely and so helpless? Both you and me, we all locked ourselves in the silent space surrounded by this glass box. Well, it's obvious that we go into the glass box and lock ourselves, so there's no reason to feel regret or angry. Chose to live in such a sound-proofed glass box but still trying to scream loudly, asking outside people to hear what you say. We are such absurd children, aren't we?