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For each individual, life is a big game with many options. Choosing the right or wrong can lead you to success or failure. Modern life can help you quickly achieve your dreams, but also contain many pitfalls. Be careful when choosing and to be able to choose, you must know how to give up!

Victor Hugo once said: "The future has several names. For the weak, it is impossible; for the fainthearted, it is unknown; but for the valiant, it is ideal.". Moreover, the road to success is never easy. Therefore, be brave, confidently seize the opportunity and take on challenges!

In addition, you must learn to accept failure. To be able to accept failure, you must be tolerant of others, because being tolerant to others is loving yourself.

Carefully choose and know how to give up; seize opportunities and take challenges; tolerance and self-love are the subject throughout the book. How to become a human being, though not perfect but know how to live in harmony with the world, and how to realize the opportunities that are coming to you? You only have 3 seconds to make a decision to become a noble, successful or a weak, failed person.