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“Bóng Người trên cát” reappears the journey in the footsteps of Mr. Huyen Trang to India in the 7th century to seek Buddhist scriptures. The first part of the book is a brief overview of the lives and careers of four great people who have influenced Buddhism, including Buddha, King Ashoka, Mr. Huyen Trang and Archaeologist Cunningham. The journey is divided into three stages: The first stage: Nepal – India Journey, the second stage: Kyrgyzstan – Uzbekistan Journey, and the third stage: China Journey.

In addition to focusing on describing unique cultural features, religious changes, historical values, natural and human beauty in the lands imprinted with the footprints of Mr. Huyen Trang, the book shares touching stories about the lives of characters that the author has had the opportunity to meet and interact at at the turning points in the journey, such as at Kathmandu, Novosibirsk airport, Naryn, or at additional places such as Ala Arca National Park, Ham Huong Tomb, Tan Thuy Hoang Tomb, Tay An Night Market and Bach Ma Pagoda. All make the readers feel a kind heart, find warm about the humble and subtle storytelling, have fun with hidden delicacy in the old stories. With her knowledge and deep real-life experience, the author has contributed to inspiring young people on the way to start a new journey: the journey of pursuing passion and finding the meaning of life.