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Hello teachers and students. Today, Inspire Library in association with Book Club would like to introduce a book named "Săn kẻ giết người" by author Joe Kenda.

The passage of time in a murder case is like turning a lucky wheel. This wheel was born to spin. A perfect spin. You, a detective, should be thankful that it slows down just enough for you to determine the facts of the cases. If you touch that wheel too soon or stop in the wrong place, the clue box will pass and disappear. More importantly, things will never go back to the way they were. And there is only one chance to get it right. The case is even at a standstill if you don’t know what you are doing at the first touch.

During his 23-and-a-half years in crime prevention, author Joe Kenda confirms that's really true in any case. He saw that most other animals only hunt for need while humans can and will kill for satisfaction or for any other dirty reason. With the desire to find out why people kill each other and the desire to remove the worst things from the worst crimes, Joe Kenda became a detective who investigated murder cases to eliminate those bad things out of our society. Let’s find out the truth behind his investigations.

We would like all of teachers and students to read the book.