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The true road to success lies in the quest of mastering many small tasks in order to be rewarded. Because crucial elements within a field are intimately tied to all the skills within that field. Thus, developing a talent can provide insight into the connection between these parts that words alone cannot provide. Small skills are adaptable and experimental by nature, which will aid in the development of an efficient self-study process. When you are allowed to experiment within defined boundaries, you will swiftly advance your knowledge.

The book “Micromastery – Learn small, learn fast, and unlock your potential to achieve anything” challenges us to dispel all of our myths by fusing positive psychology, neuroscience, self-development, and more. By focusing on small, simple abilities, you do make it “impossible” for us to learn and advance. With rewards like greater optimism, confidence, memory, cognitive skills, and more, these little, manageable tasks drive us to keep learning and growing. awaken even more.