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“Breaking Bank: The Innovators, Rogues, and Strategists Rebooting Banking”. The world of finance in general and banking in particular always carries mysteries and fascinating challenges. This book goes beyond being a mere compilation of interviews; it includes analyses of successful business models.

Furthermore, Brett King also addresses concepts, approaches, and strategic directions from a technology-driven standpoint, as well as achievements - discussing both successes and failures. The data gathered from interviews and the intricately built concepts provide a logical, coherent structure, allowing readers to gain a deeper understanding of various models. Additionally, statistical evidence and supplementary data are presented to support numerous strategies.

The uniqueness of “Breaking Bank”extends beyond applying breakthrough technologies to transaction strategies. It's also a story of motivation - something that continuously propels innovators to experiment with novel ideas."

  • Title : Breaking Banks: The Innovators, Rogues, and Strategists Rebooting Banking
  • Author : Brett King
  • Publisher : Hong Duc Publishers
  • Year of Publication : 2017