Non-circulating Materials
- Maximum Items: 2 items
- Loan Period: 1 day (within building opening hours)
- Maximum Renewal: Not applicable
Circulating Materials
- Maximum Items: 2 items
- Loan Period: 5 days
- Maximum Renewal: 1 renewal (for an additional 5 days)
: Circulating items

Course Material Collection: 4th Floor
Renewal Criteria
- Items must currently be on loan.
- Items must not have been requested by any other user.
- Items can be renewed for an additional 5 days.
- Overdue items can not be renewed.
Renewal Methods
- Online: Renew items through the Library Information Portal.
How to Make a Renewal Request Online
Overdue Fines
- Fine Rate: 20,000 VND per day per item.
Policy Violations
- After the third violation in a year, users will receive a library notice of admonishment.
- More than three violations in a year, the case will be referred to the Department of Student Affairs and the Department of Inspection and Internal Supervision for further action.
Lost and Repair Fees
- For books still in circulation: Replace the original item and pay a handling fee of 20,000 VND.
- For out-of-print books: Compensation is three times the book's list price at the time of compensation (adjusted for inflation), plus a handling fee of 20,000 VND and a shipping fee of 15% of the book's list price.
- For the loss of one volume in a multi-volume set: Compensation is five times the list price of the entire set divided by the number of volumes (adjusted for inflation), plus a handling fee of 20,000 VND and a shipping fee of 15% of the book's list price.
- For rare materials: Replace the original item or compensate ten times the item's value if the original cannot be obtained, plus a handling fee of 20,000 VND and a shipping fee of 15% of the item's list price.
Reservation Policy
- The reservation service allows users to place a hold on materials that are currently checked out by another user.
- Applicable to: Materials that are borrowed and currently checked out by another user.
How to Place a Reservation
- Search for and select the desired material on the Library Information Portal.
- Click on the Get It tab then click the Hold button to place a hold request.
- Check the return date and the number of existing holds
- Click the Send Request button to place a hold request.
- Monitor your campus email for a notification when the material is ready for pickup.
- Visit the Services Desk on the 1st Floor to pick up the reserved material.
Important Notes
- Reservations are only available for materials that are currently checked out by other users.
- Reservations do not apply to materials that are available in the library or those designated for onsite use.
- Please check your campus email for notifications about when the reserved material is ready for pickup.
- Reserved materials will be held at the Service Desk (1st Floor) for 01 day. If not collected within this period, the material will be made available to the next user in line or returned to general circulation.
- Care and Responsibility: Borrowers must properly care for the materials they borrow and are responsible for any loss or damage.
- Library Card Usage: Borrowers should not lend their Library Card to others or exchange borrowed materials with others.
- Lost Card: In case of a lost Library Card, borrowers must inform the relevant department to obtain a replacement.
- Due Date: Borrowers should check the due date to ensure timely returns. The Library will also send reminder notifications via campus email.
- Early Recall: In special cases where materials need to be returned earlier than the due date, the Library will contact the borrower to request the return of the materials.